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Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Japan-UNESCO/UNU Symposium on The Great East Japan Tsunami on 11 March 2011 and Tsunami Warning Systems: Policy Perspectives
The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on 11 March 2011 caused nearly 20,000 people to lose their lives.
Since the event many national and international post-tsunami field surveys have been carried out. Performance analyses of tsunami early warning systems in place at the time of this event have also been done. Based on these surveys and performance analyses the symposium will offer a number of invited high level perspectives from decision makers and scientists and address topics including:
- Event facts and analysis
- Tsunami Warning Systems, Tsunami preparedness and event experiences
- What has been learned from this event and policy implications.
The symposium will be opened by Ms Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO.
Venue and Date
- United Nations University (Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
- 16-17 February 2012
Click here to read the Second Announcement of the Japan – UNESCO/UNU Symposium (English version).
Further information here
Since the event many national and international post-tsunami field surveys have been carried out. Performance analyses of tsunami early warning systems in place at the time of this event have also been done. Based on these surveys and performance analyses the symposium will offer a number of invited high level perspectives from decision makers and scientists and address topics including:
- Event facts and analysis
- Tsunami Warning Systems, Tsunami preparedness and event experiences
- What has been learned from this event and policy implications.
The symposium will be opened by Ms Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO.
Venue and Date
- United Nations University (Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
- 16-17 February 2012
Click here to read the Second Announcement of the Japan – UNESCO/UNU Symposium (English version).
Further information here
Taller sobre Sistemas de Alerta Temprana de Tsunami en el Peru
La mayoría de los más grandes y devastadores tsunami han ocurrido en el Oceano Pacífico y sus mares marginales. La razón es que el Pacífico cubre más de un tercio de la superficie del planeta y está rodeado por una serie de cordilleras, fosas océanicas y arcos de islas llamadas “anillo de fuego”, donde se genera la mayoría de los terremotos. En consecuencia, la costa pacífica de Sudamérica es una de las zonas más propensas a un tsunami. Sin embargo, como no ocurren con frecuencia, muchas veces las comunidades que viven en estas zonas costeras subestiman o ignoran el riesgo. Los tsunami son una fuerza altamente destructiva, y cuando ocurren,la pérdida de vidas, el número de personas heridas y el daño de infraestructura pueden ser extremadamente altos, como se demostró en el tsunami en el Océano Indico en 2004, el tsunami de Chile de 2010 y el tsunami de Japón de 2011.
Tomando en cuenta lo anterior y a fin de apoyar a los gobiernos en la reducción de vulnerabilidad de zonas costeras a la presencia de tsunami, la Oficina Regional de Educación para América Latina y el Caribe OREALC/UNESCO Santiago, en asociación con la Comisión Oceanográfica Intergubernamental de la UNESCO (COI), la Comisión Permanente del Pacifico Surc (CPPS), y las oficinas de UNESCO de Lima y Quito, ejecuta el proyecto “Fortalecimiento del Sistema Regional de Alerta ante tsunami en Chile, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú” que se implementa en el marco del Séptimo Plan de Acción para Sudamérica del Programa de Preparación para Desastres (DIPECHO VII) de la Dirección General de Ayuda Humanitaria de la Comisión Europea (DG-ECHO).
El objetivo del proyecto es fortalecer el sistema sub-regional de alerta temprana, para lo cual considera necesario fortalecer primero los del nivel nacional. Para ello, se vale de la coordinación con los institutos sismológicos, oceanográficos, ministerios de educación y oficinas de preparación y atención de desastres de cada país.
En esta ocasión, el taller propuesto se apoya además de las iniciativas locales en prevención de desastres por tsunami impulsadas por el PNUD y la ong PREDES, ambas también enmarcadas dentro del DIPECHO VII.
Location | Hotel Nobility, Ubicado en la Avenida . Roosevelt No. 6461, Miraflores Lima Peru |
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Fifth International Symposium on Contaminated Sediments: Restoration of Aquatic Environment
Papers are invited for the Fifth International Symposium on Contaminated Sediments to be held on May 23-25, 2012. Sponsored by ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and Rock, the symposium will be held at Concordia University in Montreal, QC, Canada.
The major objectives of the symposium are to:
Identify sources, types, and behaviour of contaminants;
Discuss and share the state of art of sustainable options for the management of contaminated sediments in marine and freshwater environments for restoration of surface water;
Provide a forum to debate future directions and visions in terms of technical, environmental and economical perspectives; and
Promote multilevel involvement and participation of stakeholders in restoration strategies. Specific Objectives
The symposium aims to attract a wide variety of papers and audience from multidisciplinary backgrounds. Specific topics to be covered would include, but not limited to, the following:
Source control
Sustainability indicators
Fate and transport of contaminants
Ecotoxicology and bioavailability
Port and harbour management
Sediment quality assessment tools
Beneficial reuse strategies for dredged materials
Combined treatments
In situ and ex situ remediation technologies
Natural recovery processes
Sediment transport
Risk assessment and decision making
Sampling, monitoring and performance evaluation
Habitat restoration and biodiversity
Sediment and site characterization
Marine sediments
Fresh water sediments
Policies and regulations The language of the symposium will be English.
Case Studies
A number of case studies have been identified and are expected to include the Great Lakes (United States and Canada), St. Lawrence River (United States and Canada), European harbours, lakes and rivers in Japan, in addition to others.
Who Should Attend
The audience is expected to include scientists, engineers, regulators, remediation site owners, and other environmental professionals from universities, and consultants.
For additional information about the symposium, click on Additional Information
The major objectives of the symposium are to:
The symposium aims to attract a wide variety of papers and audience from multidisciplinary backgrounds. Specific topics to be covered would include, but not limited to, the following:
Case Studies
A number of case studies have been identified and are expected to include the Great Lakes (United States and Canada), St. Lawrence River (United States and Canada), European harbours, lakes and rivers in Japan, in addition to others.
Who Should Attend
The audience is expected to include scientists, engineers, regulators, remediation site owners, and other environmental professionals from universities, and consultants.
For additional information about the symposium, click on Additional Information
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
International Conference on Marine Ecosystem 2012
(INCOMES 2012)
(INCOMES 2012)
"Moving Toward Multi-Scientific Knowledge for Sustainable Future"
13-15 March 2012
Persada Johor International Convention Centre
Jointly organized by
Marine Ecosystem Research Centre, Faculty of Science and Technology, UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Linking the Time and Space Scales of Chemical Oceanography
August 14-19, 2011
Proctor Academy
Andover, NH
Proctor Academy
Andover, NH
The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: A Status Report
The Marine Phosphorus Cycle: Past, Present and Future
New Insights into the Marine Nitrogen Cycle
Chemical Oceanography in Deep Time
Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Ocean Chemistry
Trace Element Cycling in the Ocean: Biotic Influences and Responses
Submarine Groundwater Discharge
Carbon Processing in the Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemical Processes in Marine Sediments Across Space and Time
Goldschmidt 2011, Earth, Life and Fire, Prague, Czech Republic
Themes and Sessions
The Science Committee, chaired by Bernard Marty and Bernard Bourdon, have organised the following themes and sessions for Goldschmidt2011, which incorporates many sessions submitted during the public "Call for Sessions".- Theme 01: Cosmochemistry, planet formation
(Meenakshi Wadhwa, Marc Chaussidon) - Theme 02: Primitive Earth : From core to atmosphere
(Stephen Mojzsis, James Kasting, Guillaume Caro) - Theme 03: Evolution and Dynamics of the Deep Earth
(James Badro, Mike Walter) - Theme 04: Mantle to Crust: Ocean Ridge and Intraplate Volcanism
(Janne Blichert-Toft, Jasper Konter) - Theme 05: Continental Crust Formation and Evolution
(Cin-Ty Lee, James Day, Oliver Jagoutz) - Theme 06: Recycling: Subduction, The Mantle Wedge and Arc Volcanism
(Terry Plank, Simon Turner) - Theme 07: Evolution of Earth's environment
(Simon Poulton, Derek Vance) - Theme 08: Interfaces and Interfacial Processes from the Nano- to Continental Scale
(Ruben Kretzschmar, Laurent Charlet) - Theme 09: Geochemistry of volcanic systems and natural hazards
(David Pyle, Mark Reagan) - Theme 10: Earth resources : Energy
(Steve Larter, Chris Ballentine) - Theme 11: Earth's resources : Ores - under the patronage of SGA
(Jan Pasava, Keiko Hattori) - Theme 12: Climate change
(Edouard Bard, Barbara Stenni) - Theme 13: Sources, Sinks and Impact of Atmospheric Aerosols
(Gordon McFiggans, Surabi Menon) - Theme 14: Weathering, climate, tectonics and surface processes
(C. France-Lanord, Lou Derry) - Theme 15: Oceans atmosphere : Past and Present
(Ed Boyle, Jess Adkins) - Theme 16: Geochemical impacts of human activity
(Steve Banwart, Dan Giammar) - Theme 17: Biogeochemistry : From microbes to macro and cycles
(Martin Novak, Susan Trumbore, Jon Chorover) - Theme 18: Frontiers in Analytical techniques
(Gerd Gleixner, Tim Elliott, Ed Young) - Theme 19: Frontiers in Computational Geochemistry
(Lars Stixrude, James Rustad) - Theme 20: Frontiers in Mineralogy and Mineral Physics
(Falko Langenhorst, Catherine McCammon) - Theme 21: Hydrogeochemistry and Global Water Sustainability
(Chen Zhu, Rolf Kipfer) - Theme 22: General Sessions
- Theme 23: Plenary Sessions
Further information here
Friday, June 17, 2011
Interesting articles - NatureGeoscience /May-Jun
Tectonics: Unexpected Andean earthquakes
- Nature Geoscience 4, 357–358 (2011) doi:10.1038/ngeo1167
- Published online
- Great earthquakes along the western, subduction zone boundary of the Andes Mountains in South America are expected. Measurements of surface motion along the eastern boundary highlight the potential for equally large earthquakes in the east.
- Subject terms:
Orogenic-wedge deformation and potential for great earthquakes in the central Andean backarc
- Benjamin A. Brooks, Michael Bevis, Kelin Whipple, J Ramon Arrowsmith, James Foster, Tomas Zapata, Eric Kendrick, Estella Minaya, Arturo Echalar, Mauro Blanco, Pablo Euillades, Mario Sandoval & Robert J. Smalley Jr
- Affiliations Contributions Corresponding author
- Nature Geoscience 4, 380–383 (2011) doi:10.1038/ngeo1143
- Published online
Subduction of the Nazca plate beneath South America has driven the growth of the Andes Mountains. Subduction has routinely generated earthquakes larger than magnitude 8.0 along the western margin of the mountain belt1, but the potential size of less frequent earthquakes in the eastern, backarc margin is unknown. Continued support of the high Andean Plateau at the centre of the Andes can be explained only if deformation of the backarc margin is ongoing2, 3, 4. Here we present GPS data that record surface motions in the Subandean ranges that are part of the backarc margin. We find that the velocity of surface movement decreases sharply from west to east across the Subandean ranges. We suggest that a subhorizontal fault underlying the ranges slips freely at depth in the west, but is locked for up to 100 km in shallower sections further east. Analysis of fault scarps formed where the subhorizontal fault intersects the surface indicates that the fault has generated repeated large earthquakes. We suggest that rupture of the entire locked section of the fault could generate an earthquake of magnitude 8.7–8.9. We attribute the large seismic potential to the unusual width of the Subandean ranges, and suggest that deformation of the Subandean ranges, at a rate unmatched by erosion, causes the mountain range to widen.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Environmental Management for Enclosed Coastal Seas, August
EMECS9 Second Announcement
Student Grant Application Deadline:
March 31, 2011
March 31, 2011
Volunteer Application Deadline:
May 13, 2011
May 13, 2011
July 1, 2011
Further information here
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
How can stable isotopes inform ecosystem based management?, Australia
The CSIRO Wealth from Oceans Flagship is proud to announce the symposium – How can stable isotopes inform ecosystem based management – to be held in Fremantle, Western Australia on Tuesday, 10 May 2011.
Download the flyer for details
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Find out more about the Stable Isotope Symposium (Fremantle, 10 May 11).
Download the flyer for details
Find out more about the Stable Isotope Symposium (Fremantle, 10 May 11).
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Coastal Sediments 2011
Click here for draft conference program
The Organizing Committee is pleased to announce CS '11 keynote speakers:
More information here
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
12th International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediments and Water, UK
The International Association for Sediment Water Science (IASWS) is pleased to announce that the 12th International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediment and Water will take place in June, 2011 in southwest England. The symposium will be co-hosted by the University of Plymouth and Queen Mary University of London and held at Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon...
Further information here
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Coastal Sediments, May - USA 2011
Up to four short courses will be offered on Monday, May 2nd, prior to the start of the full conference. Each short course will be conducted from 8 am - 5 pm and attendees can receive 8 Professional Development Hours (PDH) for the day. Registration for the short courses will begin in Fall 2010. A tentative list of short course topics include:
I. Coastal Sediment Transport Processes: Theory, Methods, and Modeling (instructors: Leo van Rijn, Magnus Larson, and and D.J. Walstra)(click here for short course schedule).(sponsored by Golder Associates)
II. Coastal Inlet Modeling (instructors: Gary Zarillo and Duncan FitzGerald)...................................................................(click here for tentative short course schedule)
III. Miami Beach, Beach Nourishment Project: A Coastal Engineering Project from Design through Post-Construction Monitoring (instructor: Bob Dean)(click here for tentative schedule and short course description)
IV. Coastal Ecosystems: Living Shorelines (instructor: Debbie Devore - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)..........................(click here for tentative schedule and short course description)
For more information about the short courses, please contact Julie Rosati (
More details will be posted as information becomes available, so please check back often!More information here
6th International Conference on Remediation of Contamined Sediments. February 2011
The 2011 Sediments Conference
Accumulations of potentially hazardous contaminants in the sediments of rivers, lakes, bays, and harbors present significant risk to economic development and the health of aquatic environments worldwide. Maintaining the economic and biological viability of these environments requires management of complex series of actions that affect a wide range of environmental, economic, and social issues. As a forum for sharing experience and progress toward this goal, the Sixth International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments will be held in New Orleans February 7–10, 2011. Chaired by Eric Foote and Andrew Bullard of Battelle, the Conference is presented and organized by Battelle. The Conference sponsors are other leading organizations active in sediment remediation research and application. The 2011 Conference will address the challenges of combining basic research, new characterization and assessment methodologies, innovative engineering, and good management practices to address the concerns of all stakeholders.Short Course Registration
For a PDF of the descriptions, click here
Further information HERE
Friday, January 7, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Earthquake Details - Araucania, Chile
Thanks to: for information.
2011 January 03 05:03:49 UTC (Click on each image for better observation)
Theoretical P-Wave Travel Times
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